TAG AL Update
Posted on August 06, 2019
The First Year of the TAG Alabama recreational tagging program (a partnership of CCA Alabama and University of South Alabama) has been an enormous success. Beginning with some instructional seminars where almost 75 anglers signed up to participate in the tagging effort, the program resulted in 713 red drum tagged with 92 recaptured and 511 speckled trout tagged with 34 fish recaptured.
TAG Alabama continues to look for anglers interested in participating in the program to help managers better understand our inshore fisheries — the only requirement is that you are an active CCA member and attend one of the tagging seminars.
If you are interested in partici- pating, email info@ccaalabama.org for information on when the next workshop will take place. Also, if you have caught a tagged fish and reported it, but did not receive your t-shirt, please let us know. Year Two of the TAG Alabama program will include expanding the prizes and giveaways for both the taggers and the people who catch the tagged fish, so stay updated with our Facebook page for further updates.