Camp Rap-A-Hope Siblings Weekend Fishing
Posted on November 01, 2018
On September 22, 2018 - CCA Alabama had the pleasure of participating in a KIDS Fishing day with the Siblings at Camp-Rap-A-Hope. Each year, the weekend is dedicated to the siblings of children with cancer. With help from CCA members, both girls and boys, ages 7-12, were taught how to bait their hook, cast, and reel in the fish they caught. The kids were eager to have their picture taken with their latest catch and then release the fish back to the water. Each of the campers took home a ZEBCO travel fishing rod and tackle kit, donated by CCA Alabama with support from ZEBCO.
Camp Rap-A-Hope is a non-profit organization that offers free fun through programs for children diagnosed with cancer and their families. Camp Rap-A-Hope's largest event each year is a week-long summer camp for children ages 7 - 17. Each year, kids from all along the Gulf Coast meet together to experience the fun and excitement of a traditional summer camp. Visit www.camprapahope.org to learn more about the programs they offer.